Bonneywell Name Origin, Meaning and Family History

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Surname Distribution

Census frequency by county

Name Concentrations Within England and Wales

Bonneywell Surname Statistics

Top Professions for the Bonneywell family

Profession Census Frequency
School 5
Farm Labourer 2
Domestic Servant 1
Junior Clerk (commercial) 1
Railway Signalman 1
Cement Labourer 1
Cook (domestic) 1
Farm Servant 1
Groom Domestic 1
Groom Gardener Domestic 1
Home 1
Labourer 1
Leading Seaman R N 1
Shepherd 1
Butcher Assistant 1
Footman (domestic) 1
Milkman 1
Painter's Labourer 1
Postman 1
Wood Working Machinist 1

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